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What a fun festive month! We had the winter party at preschool (so fun!), went to Truckee for beer and sledding and Nova’s first snow, did the Festive Lights at Filoli, lots of arts and crafts, saw family and friends, and then got swamped by nearly 5.5 inches of rain on New Year’s Eve!

Nova is 16 months old and she is becoming a real person before our eyes. She says or signs a bunch of words – so funny to see her sign banana and train – and loves seeing dogs. “Da-DAWG!” She has started really trying to play with Tycho and other friends! She loves to climb with Tycho and dances when she gets to the top of things. And she is determined to do things the right way, for example if I bring her her plate but forget a fork she complains until she has one to eat with. And we potty trained! She isn’t 100% yet but she’s better every day! Good news/bad news she is waking up in the middle of the night to pee even. Also fun – she figured out how to open doors and scoot. So helpful to have an older sibling show you the way.

Max and I can’t believe next year Tycho will be starting kindergarten. We’re finishing up his school applications (ask us about public school assignment in SF, I dare you). He is definitely “in a phase” right now and the whining / not listening can be a little much. But he is so happy doing math activities and building Lego projects and making music!


  1. So incredibly great that you keep us out of staters so in touch of all the happenings.
    Miss you all, & I cant believe the 3D printer…

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